Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Survivor Week 11 Live Journal

Hey all! With another big episode of Survivor starting in just a few minutes, I figured I should write a live journal, penning my thoughts on what's currently going on in the show. I mean why not? Tonight's episode could potentially determine the entire outcome of the season. So why not?

6:51 Entertainment Tonight (ET) is currently on.

6:52 When will ET be over? Not interested in this at all.

6:53-6:57 I guess I will give my pregame thoughts now. They're marketing this as the episode where someone could flip. Who could it be? Well the "Three Amigos" need top pull over two votes from the tight group of seven known as Stealth R Us. There's a good shot that we could see Ice Cream Scooper Erik flipping, if he hasn't already. But the amigos need one more vote. I think the other four Favorites are going to stick to the plan. Which leaves one person in the middle- and no it isn't Malcolm (bad Malcolm in the Middle joke). Sherri. I think Sherri could ultimately be making the final decision tonight. I can't see why she would want to go with the amigos. No way you can win immunity against them and the group of three is too tight to slip into the final 3. Also these three put votes against her at the merge episode. So if Sherri is smart, she doesn't flip. But it could very well happen. This is Survivor.


6:58 These minutes seem to be going by too slowly. I want Survivor.

6:58 I don't know how often I will be writing my thoughts as this is a Viva La Vita first, but let's just roll with it.

7:00 Why isn't the show on yet?!


7:02 "The only member of Stealth R Us to turn its back on Phillip was Erik"

7:02 Malcolm pretty optimistic about outcome

7:03 Erik open to flipping

7:04 Clearly hinting at the Survivor auction

7:04 Brenda crying now

7:05 Dawn is such a great mom

7:05 I would be scared of facing these guys too

7:06 Commercial break. Editors hinting at how the Amigos could be up to something big yet again in this episode

7:07 Gangnam Style needs to stop. It never was cool or funny, and it still isn't. No reason to use it in nut commercials.

7:08 Back to the show

7:09 One of the best challenge competitors ever could be getting help in the next challenge. Scary thought.

7:10 Could Cochran purchase the help in the next challenge?

7:10 Amigos spending big, risking help in later challenge. Dumb Survivor if you ask me.

7:11 Always listen to Cochran's advice!

7:12 These people are spending big

7:12 Someone should have kept Malcolm from getting that help

7:14 Good move by Andrea to take the rice and beans for everyone else, not that she had much of a choice

7:14 Seeing a lot of Brenda in this episode. Hope that doesn't mean she's going next.

7:15 Poor Brenda

7:17 I could not eat that peanut butter. Would make you so thirsty

7:17 Cochran is so funny.

7:18 Dawn is so right. I fear for her alliance

7:18 Commercials. Highlights of the auction: Cochran licking Sherri's fingers and saying it happens more often than you think. If I was out there playing with them, I might have a hard time not rooting for Cochran to win and focusing on my own game. If Cochran gets the end, I think he wins. Other highlights: Andrea sacrificing herself, Brenda spending $320 on pig brains and still eating it. Andrea giving up her pasta for beans and rice. Eddie being typical Eddie and not spending any money to help himself win a challenge or get a clue to the idol.

7:21 Everyone is bonding together, no more "us vs. them"

7:22 Brenda could be on her way out considering how much airtime she is finally getting

7:22 Even Cochran crying now

7:23 Touching moment

7:24 This kind of arrogance would turn me off and only want me to vote against them.

7:24 Cochran getting targeted

7:26 Andrea playing this smart

7:27 REALLY IMPRESSIVE. Strong determination from both. Now everyone knows where to look for the idol

7:28 Another commercial break. This is shaping up to be a big episode

7:28 Sherri was talking about flipping before the commercial. I don't think she'd be smart do that. "If you can't beat them you join them" but you can beat them! One of them won't have an idol and as long as you vote against them,  you can beat them. If you join them, YOU WILL NEVER BEAT THEM.

7:31 Immunity Challenge. Really hope Cochran can use his advantage and pull this one out

7:32 Eddie: "Cochran is by no means any physical threat whatsoever" could be foreshadowing

7:33 Cochran's gotta know a good strategy for when to go up two knots. Uber fan and genius.

7:34 Cochran smart to start at beginning, won't get himself exhausted before everyone else.

7:34 Keep in mind that they are holding weight relative to themselves. Doesn't mean someone that's big will automatically dominate

7:35 Brenda and Erik out

7:35 Dawn toughing it out

7:36 Malcolm's out, Andrea's out

7:36 Probst should be a personal trainer

7:36 Cochran looking strong


7:38 Now isn't the right time for anyone to flip.

7:42 I like Cochran's confidence. You are the biggest challenge threat in this game

7:45 Dawn putting her motherly guilt on Erik

7:46 Cochran is completely right. Vote out Eddie. No way he has idol.

7:46 Sherri calling herself a Favorite now

7:47 I've been saying it all episode. Wouldn't be a good idea for anyone to flip.

7:47 Phillip looks 20 years younger now

7:48 Sherri making me nervous for Favorites

7:49 Erik making me nervous now

7:50 Another crazy tribal council


7:53 Cochran is too classic

Closing thoughts: This is the fourth crazy episode we've seen in a row. Next week could be dull, but I think they made the right decision tonight. I will be writing a recap blog sometime in the next few days with more of my thoughts on the episode. Tell me what you thought of this journal though, as it is my first time doing something like this. As always, thanks for reading!

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