Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Survivor Merge Preview

Yet another Survivor post? Yep. Tonight marks a big change in the game, as the two tribes become one, and the game turns from a team game to an individual game. Survivor normally isn't very interesting until you get to the merge, because that's where all the drama and craziness happens. And with eight of the remaining twelve contestants being returning players, we could be seeing some huge moves and killer blindsides. I thought I should write a preview for the biggest part of the game.

So where do we start? As I stated before, there are twelve castaways left that will be enjoying the merge feast and then getting ready for some major back-stabbing. Eight of the players started the game on the Favorites tribe, while there are only four Fans remaining. In the last Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites, we might have had the craziest post-merge game ever. The Survivor producers were hoping to replicate this, which is why we are having another Fans vs. Favorites season. In the original season, in Micronesia, the Fans didn't work together to overcome the Favorites and because of that they ended up getting used as pawns by the Favorites to get to the end of the game. The Fans stood no shot. And I think that is the case again. Right now there are only four Fans left, and I don't think any of them will win. It's like the purpose of the Fans being there is for them to eventually be returning players when their time comes. Just like how Ice Cream Scooper Erik Reichenbach was once a Fan in Micronesia, and now he's a Favorite. We could very well be seeing Reynold and Sherri on future seasons. The fact of the matter is the Favorites have an unprecedented advantage. If the Favorites play it right, no Fan will win this game. But that is a big if.

Over the past couple episodes, Corinne and Phillip have been clashing and they can't wait to vote off the other. We've seen tribes with divisions get to the merge and have serious problems and ultimately collapse. If Corinne and Phillip's goals become to take out the other before they go out, that could cost them the game. Almost like last season where Jeff Kent was very adamant about not wanting to play with the returning players and making sure he lasted longer than Jonathan Penner and Michael Skupin, and because he was saying that stuff, he alienated them and ended up out before they got out. Players need to remember their goal isn't to come in eighth or do better than someone else, but it's to win the game. Anything short of that should be a disappointment. I could see Corinne trying to blindside Phil in the next episode.

What do we know about tonight's episode? We know there's a merge, apparently someone is getting blindsided, and we know that the immunity challenge tests will power as contestants will have to eat bugs and other nasty food items. We can't trust the editors when they say a blindside's coming, because they are very deceptive in previews. However we do know the other two things are actually happening. Who could win the bug-eating challenge? I think almost all, if not all, will opt out of the challenge and not eat the bugs because they feel safe. So if it's between, the four Fans, I think Mike could win. Mike has played hard in the challenges. I could see him eating bugs if it means getting him another three days.

Whatever happens, most likely one of the Fans will win Immunity and then the other three won't be safe. I can see Sherri jumping over to vote with the Favorites because she hasn't been fond of Reynold or Eddie. I could see Mike doing the same thing. So who do I think will be the main targets? Reynold and Eddie. That puts Malcolm in a tough spot, because those are the two guys he wanted to real in and work with. Would it be worth it for Malcolm to give one of them his idol to protect him, while Reynold plays the other? I don't think it would be. Getting rid of his own idol and betraying the trust of his tribe mates could leave him very vulnerable, and this bro alliance idea won't work.

However, I could see a Favorite getting blindsided here. I have no idea who it could be, but we've seen tribes pick off their own at the start of a merge. Phillip has been irritating people and Corinne wants him gone, so he could he be on his way out? Or could Corinne try to flip and then have Phillip target her?

We have to think about cracks in the alliance. Who doesn't get along? Or who does one Favorite want out? Right now it's got my brain hurting trying to figure this out. This episode will explain a lot about what happens the rest of the show. Why don't we take a look at each player that is left and do a quick breakdown of how they're doing?

Andrea- Andrea was targeted in the first episode and had votes come her way, so she could be targeted early on in one of the first couple post-merge votes if she does whatever she did that got her targeted first.

Brenda- We haven't seen much from Brenda so I expect her to fly under the radar.

Malcolm- Malcolm has expressed his distaste with being aligned with Phillip and how Phillip has annoyed him. He also has an idol and was tight with Corinne before the tribe swap. He could be casting his vote Phillip's way.

Erik- Erik has also been under the radar this season, so I don't see why anyone would target him or try to blindside him now.

Sherri- Sherri was in a great spot before her tribe started losing challenges. Now she's in the minority, however she isn't an immediate threat. At least not yet.

Eddie- Eddie is a strong young guy and is in the minority. He's in trouble.

Reynold- Reynold is also a strong young guy and is in the minority. He's shown to be more strategic than Eddie. He has an idol which will help him for the first vote, and I expect him to play it. He played an idol earlier in the season, so I have no reason to believe he won't play it if he thinks he could be in trouble.

Cochran- Cochran is playing a great game right now. He hasn't made himself a target and he's on everyone's good side. He won't be a threat to win challenges and I could see him sneaking his way to the end.

Dawn- Dawn is in the same boat as Cochran. She is playing a strong game and if she can keep it up she'll get to the end. Only problem with her is people may see her as too likable, and vote her off before the final three.

Phillip- Phillip has been playing well strategically, but socially he hasn't been great. We keep seeing confessionals of people being agitated with him and because of his strong personality, he could fall victim to a blindside.

Corinne- Corinne put herself in a really bad spot after the past two episodes. I don't think she can recover. I see her being out in the earlier stages of the merge.

Michael- Mike is the minority and isn't a bad challenge competitor. He's also friends with Corinne. Mike won't win this game.

So, with all that covered, who could be in for a blindside tonight? I think it's gotta be someone that hasn't been under the radar. The blindside could come from an idol being played, or a failed split vote. If all the Favorites vote for Reynold and Reynold plays his idol, whoever he and Eddie put their votes on will be going home. I have no idea what's going to happen tonight, but one thing is for sure is that this season will get more interesting. We've only had one episode this season where all the Favorites were at an actual Tribal Council and they had to strategically vote someone out. And that was probably the best episode this season. It was dramatic and less easy to predict. That's what makes Fans vs. Favorites good, when it becomes Favorites vs. Favorites. I fully expect at least two blindsides in the remainder of the game. I also expect some changes in power and no one easily making it to the end. To those that have been disappointed with this season, don't judge it yet, because it's only just beginning. Game on.

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