Friday, May 10, 2013

Why I Don't Plan to Talk About Politics On This Blog

So this blog is a bit of a reflection and an answer to the question why I haven't written on politics and why I don't plan to do so. Something I talked about is how I wanted to serve God in all that I do this semester. And that is something I still want to do. A part of that I felt was working on this blog consistently, using it to help me grow as a writer and try to build a bigger following that can maybe help me get in to a good journalism school or find a nice journalism job someday. Something I've talked about a lot is how I really want to explore writing, writing about different things, varying from what's going on in my life to the world of sports to talking about my favorite TV show Survivor. Basically anything. Writing movie reviews. Maybe even writing music reviews in the future. The possibilities are endless. A couple of people have requested or suggested that I write about politics. And that is something that right now, I don't plan on writing about. Politics are too controversial. Why alienate half of the people that read? And even worse, it will create arguments and wars. I'm all for arguing when it comes to writing about stuff. It's better when people have differing opinions, at least when it comes to watching sports discussion shows like PTI and Around the Horn. Does anyone really want to see all four guys on Around the Horn agreeing all the time? No, we don't. Arguing makes for better entertainment.

However, with all that said, there's a big difference between arguing over if someone made the right move on Survivor, how the Cubs are doing or whether or not Pain & Gain was a good movie from arguing over political issues. Politics has a tendency of sometimes bringing out the worse in people. It can often lead to stereotyping or subtle bullying. And I don't want to bring that to this blog.

Now the next thing you might say is, "why do you talk about religion and why do you talk about your faith?" They often say you should never bring up religion or politics. Well, for me, my Christian faith is the most important thing to me. What God has done and taught me in my life has been amazing and I love talking about it. So I will write articles about what God is teaching me and how he is growing me and what I am learning. There is a place for that on this blog and there are people that read specifically for that.

So how is this different from politics? Politics are opinions on how we think our government should be run. There's SO much more to life than politics. That isn't to say they aren't important. They are very important. And I don't want to disrespect my friends that work and are very active in the political field. There are friends of mine that are doing very good things using the internet. But I don't want this to be a place where it is discussed. Anyway, getting back to how this is different from politics. Well, politics are our opinions, and they are important. But faith is greater than politics. When is the last time politics died for you, forgave you and freed you? How are politics and elections going to have an eternal impact on the destination of your soul? For me it's impossible to keep myself from talking about Jesus. We are called to be fishers of men. If you are someone that isn't interested, you don't have to read the articles. I just want it to be known that it will be written about. I'm not a professional anything. I don't know if it would be professional to write about those things. This isn't a professional site. But it is my site, and I can do whatever I want with it. Scratch that. It's God's site, and he's using me as an author.

Something that stuck out to me was in a Jefferson Bethke spoken word poem. It was in his video that went viral entitled "Why I Love Jesus But Hate Religion". In the poem he has a line where he says, "what if I told you voting Republican wasn't really his mission? What if I told you Republican doesn't automatically mean Christian and just because you call some people blind doesn't automatically give you vision?" That is in no way a jab at a political party. It just means that people often get way too caught up in the politics rather than fulfilling Christ's mission. And I fear that I could do that, and in the process turn some people off to Christianity. So there really is no reason for me to spend my time writing about politics, which is something I don't know a lot about, stir something up and do it all just to get more views on here. Another thing I don't want to do is write outrageous stuff for attention. Instead I'd rather just be myself and write about what's on my mind. I do look at requests and suggestions for blogs. I have a lot of ideas and there is a lot of stuff I am really excited about moving forward. I want to know what you guys want to see on here. I'm sorry if I am disappointing you by not writing about politics, but I hope that the other content I have been posting and have planned to post is keeping you entertained. Again, I am so extremely grateful for you all that have been reading and supporting me. To those of you that have been sharing the links to my articles: YOU ARE THE BEST! Thanks guys, please keep it up. I got more stuff planned and coming soon. This blog was originally supposed to be something else but I ended up going way off topic and so I decided to delete what I had planned and focus on writing this other stuff. So I will hopefully have that article written for you guys soon. Thank you to everyone for reading and have a blessed day!

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